Connect your school community with a powerful software solution for school staff, parents and students.
Learn how a secure digital platform in education - Eduis, with a wide range of powerful and flexible features, facilitates and enhances your daily activities.
Get the best results with integrated tools for school management. Define a set of basic settings at the school level.
Manage and organize all school activities
Define different types of assessment standards
Manage curriculum
Define the types of exams
Manage the user rights and privileges in the system
Manage rights and access reports
Define a set of codebooks available in the system
Generate a cumulative and comparative reports with a view to accurate data analysis and decision making
Expert Associate Work
Monitoring the planning, programming, organizing, improving, and functioning of the educational process is reflected in the cooperation with teachers, students and parents.
In this way, student development is encouraged and stimulated: individual abilities and preferences, intellectual, emotional, social, and professional development, as well as providing assistance to talented students with learning, work, and development disabilities.
Successful creation of program pedagogical-organizational and didactic-methodical conditions necessary for achieving the goals of the educational process
Protection of the identity of each student
Centralized and integrated student feedback (from parents, students, teachers, and expert associates)
Accurate information on all planned activities for working with children who need professional support
School Administration
Define all essential important items on the school level for the effective implementation of educational process. By this, we mean: creating classes, subjects, teaching schedules, defining exams, but also many other possibilities.
Efficiency in the selection of groups of students and distribution by subjects and level of progress
Insight into groups of students and their segmentation by details in accordance with the curriculum
Logistical support in the distribution of teaching staff by subject groups to improve the quality of teaching
Monitoring student achievement by different categories (subjects, classes), and at the school level by different time periods (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually)
Monitoring student attendance at class level
Accurate and reliable information for insight into the general success of students
Insight into the way all participants in the educational process work
Communication with different groups of participants
Support for standard teaching activities in classes/groups. Register of all student learning success factors in the educational process.
Integrated information on each student required for undisturbed teaching
Personal information files, as well as teaching lessons, are related to the teacher/author of the work regardless of the current workplace
Curricula and consolidated in one place
Preparation for the lesson in digital form
Records on students’ attendance, their state of health, and difficulties in teaching (if any)
Direct communication with parents (creating parental meetings, defining the terms of information, justifying the absence of pupils, providing information on the presence of these activities, providing information on student activities, etc.)
An application segment intended for parents to monitor the current and past process of their children's education through school years, with the possibility of using different media for timely information about the activities that have been carried out.
Monitoring the physical, psychological and intellectual development of a child
Monitoring the plans and programs that children are learning, as well as timely insight into all the grades and attendance of the child in the class
Teaching staff
Insight into event calendar (speaking and written exams and other examinations)
Insights into school events, such as sections, competitions, jubilees etc.
Participation in decision making at the school level, for which parents’ approval is required by filling in the questionnaire or using other data collection methods
Communication with school management and expert associates
Student sub-segment provides all the information on students’ success in the educational process. Interactive participation in teaching, with the possibility of creating and sharing literature and documentation through online services.
Monitoring the work of teachers and lesson notes in the case of absence
Monitoring the work plan for the current school semester
Insights into extracurricular activities, the schedule of sections and various forms of actions at the school level
Insight into the schedule of supplementary classes
Access to the teaching content recommended by the teacher/subject teachers
Internal communication of students at the level of the school, generation or class.